The IVF techniques that are currently being applied are conventional IVF and IVF-ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection or Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection). In conventional IVF, one egg is inseminated with 50-100 thousand sperm in a Petri dish with the aim of one good sperm goes into one egg and fertilization or fertilization which will develop into an embryo. Meanwhile in ICSI, one sperm is injected into an egg so that.
ICSI is done if the sperm not being able to reach the egg with its own strength (the number of live sperm is very small and the quality is poor) almost all infertility problems causes by husband’s factors can be handled by using ICSI. Moreover, ICSI is also used to maximize the formation of embryos.
IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphological Sperm Injection), is a laboratory technique used in IVF programs that uses a microscope with a magnifying power far greater (about 6000 times) than that commonly used in IVF laboratories (400 times). By using IMSI, it is possible to choose good sperm for ICSI use. Indications using IMSI: Implanted failure without a reason in the previous program, obtained abnormal sperm> 96% in conventional morphological analysis, low blastocyst growth rate, high sperm DNA fragmentation. Based on the results of evaluations using IMSI can increase pregnancy rates.
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